
miu miu bijou shoes

因為要襯chesty items , 而且miu miu 亦做緊折, 便去看看。

結果入手了呢對50% off :

第一次是在sogo 試穿上紅色, 很舒服, 但紅色不好襯, 之後到Pacific Place買下黑色, 見到D Bijou 嗎?真的很襯 Chesty! XD

呢對是豆袋第二對miu miu shoes, 第一對是有ribbon 的flats in pink patent leather, 豆袋對腳很難買鞋的, so far, miu miu 唔錯! ^^

chesty チェスティ (Part 1)

是呢, 豆袋又中意了一個日本品牌 - chesty チェスティ, 仲要係瘋狂地愛上! (物慾停不了..XD)

chesty チェスティ 同MP 完全不同style , 反而chesty同tocca 係朋友, 而豆袋覺得chesty仲 trendy D, Tocca 就斯文D , 豆袋 是在chesty チェスティ  official webshop 買的 (正確來說, 是搶, 因chesty好popular, 而且只在Kobe 有Shop, 所以 Online shop d items 很搶手的! XD)

Size 方面, 多數分 0 和 1, 豆袋亦會參考日本人ig d 相看看穿著效果。

About Chesty
Junko Ogawa Produced from Kobe
Fashion brand Chesty <Chesty>.
  "It's gorgeous for adult women in their 30s
  Elegant wardrobe "
  With the theme,
Cherish the reality, without being influenced by the fashion
  It has its own unique personality not elsewhere.
  It will upgrade the class everyday
  We have high quality items,
In addition to clothes, shoes and bags, accessories - and miscellaneous goods,
We expanded a wide range of items indispensable for fashion,
  Proposal total coordination.
"I want to deliver happiness to women" the feeling
  We are disseminating through the brand.

Designer & Producer 小川淳子 Junko Ogawa


Born in Kobe City in 1979.

She graduated from Kobe College.
She is active as a female magazine reader model since she was in college.
"A reader sends a fashion"
Becoming famous as a spark of a reader model boom.
  After graduating from university,
While working for a company, she took nailist qualifications,
Opened a nail salon in 2003 after retirement.
  High awareness and sensitivity to beauty was made use of
It gains tremendous popularity as a salon.
  At the same time, such as T-shirts and Parker
Designing casual items,
  More than expected
"I want to make a wide range of clothes for items"
The thought strengthened,
Started apparel brand "Chesty".

Develop e-commerce business using website,
  To anticipate a better sense and era
With a keen sensibility I grab the hearts of many fans.
  In 2005,
Antenna shop opened in Kobe Sannomiya.
  In a few years it has grown into a popular brand in the national ward,
In 2008, in the former foreign residence of Kobe
Open the only shop.
  In 2013, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the brand,
Do a solo brand fashion show.
  As a brand growing with ourselves,
  "Cherish reality,
Targeted for adult women
Gorgeous and elegant wardrobe "conscious,
From fashion brand design
I am in charge of producing.
It will upgrade the class everyday
We stock quality items,
  Also from entertainers and fashion models
I have gained high support.
In addition to Chesty,
Brand that made use of couture feeling further
Proposed "MissAdora".
In private, she is also a mother,
She is also handling the brand of children's clothing "Chestypetite".
Not only fashion and hair makeup,
Many fans resonate with a fulfilling lifestyle,
  It attracts the hearts of women of a wide range of layers.


Chesty knit items are very popular, they always have Bijou on them !!豆袋入手了:

以下豆袋同奶啤 "sister cardigan" . 奶啤要了白色, 豆袋要了黑和粉紅色:


Skirts :


以下呢件同奶啤 "sister coat" . 奶啤要了灰色, 豆袋要了Beige 色:
呢件好popular, 奶啤稱之為"逃恥褸"XD, 因為日劇"逃げるは恥だが役に立つ" 最終回有女演員穿著, 她是穿上Beige 色的!
豆袋沒有看呢套日劇, 但知道其中有女演員經常穿著Chesty呢!

是呢, 看完後是否覺豆袋瘋了.....但這些是Part 1......................

Comme des garcons

豆袋發現買下的mp items, 跟本沒有下身items可配搭 (D FL 真的不合呢.......), 同奶啤哭訴完, 立即同奶啤Happy Friday Night 在買開日本衫的店子買下這條:

價格很抵呢, 只需$6XX !豆袋喜歡佢隱藏的百摺位!

另外, CDG 做折而奶啤是VIP有折上折, 豆袋立即入手以下兩條 (是navy色):

CDG D Skirts 真的很好穿, 亦很搭mp , 大愛!


Candy Stripper キャンディストリッパー

Candy Stripper (キャンディストリッパー)

Brand Concept : NO RULE, NO GERNE, NO AGE


Detail playful, off a personality in pop colors and the other to not graphic. Infinite possibilities hidden clothes to change in the way of enjoying the wearer a sense of the people who wear.

是呢, 豆袋喜歡CS, 特別是 Pepe panda bear, 豆袋忍不住入手了Pepe key chain 和 手套:

Pics from website:

另外, 補回之前買下但忘記了寫的milk top:

是呢, 豆袋打算會戴Pepe 手套去一月的東京之旅! ^0^

minä perhonen ミナペルホネン AW2016 (Part 4)

 是呢, 豆袋又入手了minä perhonen  :

winter lake ジャケット jacket   79,920  (税込)

Swan who was flying to the winter lake. A landscape that rested feather deposit themselves on the surface of the lake surging has been expressed in the velvet pile. Plump cotton-based fabric we offer blouson pleasant no color. Combined with skirts and dresses it is likely to come in handy as the early winter of the outer from the autumn. And the lake sparkling in reflection to the sun, such as the small waves that juveniles who follows the mother bird is made, is a textile that quietly reflects the winter of fleeting landscape.

素材  ベース:コットン50%、レーヨン50%、パイル:コットン100% 
Material Base: Cotton 50%, rayon 50%, pile: Cotton 100%


 On model:

 Has orange color:
 And light blue color:

forest parade ストール   38,880  (税込)
forest parade stall   ¥ 38,880 (tax included) Small

ミナ ペルホネンで作り続けられているforest paradeのレースを両端に配したストール。刺繍のモチーフがパレードのように連なる華やかな印象のアイテムです。今シーズンは穏やかに起毛したカシミア素材を使い、暖かみのある質感に仕上げました。コーディネートに彩りを添えるピンクベージュ、澄み渡る冬の空気によく似合うネイビーの2色にてご用意いたしました。
Stall arranged at both ends the race of forest parade that has continued to make in the Mina perhonen. Motif of embroidery is the item of colorful impression continuing on as the parade. This season, use a gently brushed cashmere material, and finished with a texture that is warm. Pink beige that add color to the coordination, we offer in two colors of navy to become well perfectly clear winter air.

素材 カシミヤ100%、刺繍部分: コットン100% 
Material 100% cashmere, embroidery parts: Cotton 100%
 On model:

giardino ブローチ  5,400円  (税込)
"Giardino" which means garden in Italian. I picked up a flower from a textile depicting the flowers flowering in a regular manner and with their facial expressions and made a brooch. Small differences of unraveled petals reflect like natural landscapes and gently color the coordination.
On model:

豆袋連玩具都唔放過, 按hippo pat pat 係有"必必"聲的 XD:

Hippoo ぬいぐるみ stuffed  4,320  (税込)

花が咲き広がるように浮かぶ雲の様子を幾何学模様のように描いたテキスタイル”hana gumo”を大きく開けた口にみたてたぬいぐるみをご紹介いたします。にぎると鳴き声のようになる音や少しとぼけたような表情が可愛らしく、やわらかな肌触りでいつもそばに置いておきたくなるような、ぬくもり溢れるアイテムです。
Hana will introduce the stuffed animals that resemble the painted textile "hana gumo" a big open mouth as geometric patterns the state of the cloud that floats so as to spread bloom. Grasps the sound and facial expressions, such as blurred 放占a little be like singing is lovely, such that want to leave beside always a soft touch, is the warmth full of items.

サイズ(cm) 全長22  高さ8  13
素材 コットン cotton 

以下呢件褸好輕身, 好貼身, 而且是特別的Burgundy color, 但豆袋放棄了:
 呢件 down vest 豆袋亦放棄了:

以上兩件真的好靓, 但豆袋己買了很多而且豆袋一月會去東京呢, 所以留彈藥期待東京之旅吧! ^^