又到了 IT 做折的季節, 豆袋一如以往必定到 IT Hysteric Glamour 看看, 入手了兩件:
兩件夾埋只需要$20xx , 而且豆袋穿上後自我感覺很好看 XD, 必買! ^^
X'mas present 2017 ^^
豆袋的iphone 已用了近3年, 64GB 已不夠用, 剛好有機會可買到 iphone X 256GB, 豆袋便買下:
iroiro le sucre lucky bag 好抵又靚, 今年個紙巾套,鐵盒,兔公仔豆袋我都好鐘意,所以就算家𥚃沒位放了仍忍不住買下!
再次受到奶啤的薰陶(XD), 豆袋亦買了Chanel Backpack!
Chanel urban spirit backpack in quilted black cavier with GHW in small size :
iroiro le sucre lucky bag 好抵又靚, 今年個紙巾套,鐵盒,兔公仔豆袋我都好鐘意,所以就算家𥚃沒位放了仍忍不住買下!
再次受到奶啤的薰陶(XD), 豆袋亦買了Chanel Backpack!
Chanel urban spirit backpack in quilted black cavier with GHW in small size :
X'mas packing 好靚, 豆袋很開心買到黑色, CC的黑色較難買到, 而且豆袋其實亦只target 黑色 backpack ! 今年很多禮物呢! 很開心感恩呢! ^^
豆袋在11月頭去了大阪、京都和広島6天, 其實目的是去広島附近的大久野島(兔仔島), 不過有買JR Pass, 所以亦可以去大阪和京都…shopping
之後有去宮島的厳島神社看海上鳥居 , 可能太出名了加上潮退, 真的很多人行出去接觸鳥居, 令豆袋覺得沒有什麼feel , 有機會的話豆袋希望可以在潮漲時再來看看真正的海上鳥居 (潮漲時水位上升至不能讓人們行出去接觸鳥居) , 海上鳥居應該很有型吧!
ウォッシャブルウール クルーネックプルオーバー ¥12,960(税込)
另外亦買了些 Sanrio產品給奶啤囡囡和藥妝產品。
在大阪梅田阪急百貨入手了一早已target 的Skirt, 很開心:
candle スカート
2017 - 18
AW The flame that appears as the theme of the collection. The textile drawn by
a method of coloring with a brush on the rubber style which imitated a candle
is expressed finely to the touch of a colored brush and faintness. Tailored a
fun atmosphere skirt with countless candles printed on the fabric. I gathered
the gathers in the waist and was designed to make the mountain of pleat float
towards the hem. When waist is not swollen around the waist, you can call us
with a clean silhouette.
カラー green/ gray 素材ウール Wool 100%
サイズ(cm) サイズ 36 着丈75 ウェスト68 裾回り 288
入手了gray 色:
第二天去了minä perhonen 位於京都的專門店, 京都的專門店很大,是多層的, 很藉得去朝聖XD, 豆袋很乖, 只是入手了一條Skirt, 應該是只在專門店出售的Item …豆袋覺得很靚,充滿刺繍的一條裙子, 但不會太花, 因為是monotone
的刺繍, 裙子主色亦很易carry, 能遇上真的很開心滿足:
“Wave” スカート59,400円 (税込)
之後去兔仔島, 買了可愛的兔公仔給奶啤囡囡 (真的好可愛):
家中已經沒有位置可存放公仔了(因全部放滿le sucre rabbit公仔/mina kids 公仔 XD), 所以只買了這個給自己:
是次旅程最後一天在広島sogo 買的BLUE LABEL CRESTBRIDGE:
ストレッチポンチ ワンピース
【Design Blouse
of Crest Bridge Check】
It is a
stretch punch material of mixed wool with a moist texture.
With a
neat silhouette, it is an excellent wearing cut-and-dress.
bridge check of the back sleeve and back ribbon is the design point.
MATERIAL本体 アクリル72% ナイロン24% 毛3% ポリウレタン1% 別布部分 綿100%
Body Acrylic 72% Nylon 24% Hair 3% Polyurethane 1% Other cloth part 100% cotton
ウォッシャブルウール クルーネックプルオーバー ¥12,960(税込)
wool crew neck pullover
[Crew neck
pullover of washable wool]
It is home
washable and easy to handle.
It is a
basic knit pullover that is easy to fit both pants and skirt.
bridge check is used on the sleeve back.
MATERIAL本体 毛100%
大久野島全島大約有700隻兔仔,其實在島上四周都是兔仔, 所有地方和兔仔都很乾淨, 亦很安全 (不多車輛), 簡直是兔仔(愛兔仔既人類XD)既天堂!
sucre rabbit公仔遇上真正的自己 XD:
兔仔企起身食嘢時雙手自然向前的, 真的很可愛:
另外亦買了些 Sanrio產品給奶啤囡囡和藥妝產品。
其實旅行其間有去 Hshops 幫奶啤找找她的target bags , 但真的一個都沒有…估不到回到香港後反而遇上買下給奶啤, 真的幸運!
是次旅行很開心, 最開心當然是去兔仔島餵兔仔! 其次是買到兩條十分喜歡的mina
skirts! ^_^
My First Fendi Bagbugs charm
奶啤其中兩個H 袋(P22 & GP30) 都找到Fendi Bagbugs charm as the buddy of the bag, 再次受到奶啤的薰陶(XD), 豆袋 亦為新寵找到Fendi Bagbugs charm Buddy (XD) :
顏色, 感覺等各樣都好夾,係新寵既Best Buddy !真的如奶啤所說一樣"Fendi bagbug charms give lives to H bags"XD
顏色, 感覺等各樣都好夾,係新寵既Best Buddy !真的如奶啤所說一樣"Fendi bagbug charms give lives to H bags"XD
My Cutie Twins
自從奶啤早排入手了Hermes Halzan 後, 豆袋受到薰陶(XD) 又重拾對H 既喜愛 XD, 有到H Shops 看看, 其間放棄了 Bolide 27 in Rouge Tomate epsom leather (因out of budget), 亦有後悔沒有要到她........其實同一天亦有放棄了 Bolide 27 in Gris mouette epsom leather (當天真的很幸運能遇上兩個Bolide 27 in epsom leather ), 之後一路有去H Shops (豆袋都是target GP30/P18/P22) , 但都沒有遇上target bags in target colors (came across some in orange colors ....) .....打算放棄時, 奶啤遇上了:
真的很開心呢! 同場加影豆袋的H 袋 全家照片:
是呢, 豆袋已經平賣走原有的GP36 , 因為真的太重了, 而且豆袋不需要用太大的袋呢! ^^
是Picotin Lock in size 18, Bi-color - bleu nuit with rose pourpre (2017AW new color!) handle! 雖然豆袋己有Picotin Lock 18 in craie , 但顏色大不同, 而且 Bi-color - bleu nuit with rose pourpe 實在太美了, 結果奶啤幫忙下, 豆袋擁有了一對Cutie Twins :
真的很開心呢! 同場加影豆袋的H 袋 全家照片:
是呢, 豆袋已經平賣走原有的GP36 , 因為真的太重了, 而且豆袋不需要用太大的袋呢! ^^
minä perhonen ミナペルホネン AW2017 (Part 3)
豆袋近來入手的minä perhonen ミナペルホネン :
petal flame ダウンベスト down vest 72,000円(外税)
spica スカート 54,000円(外税)
swan ミニバッグ (special edition):
Mountain Trace
Jacket ジャケット
42,120円 (税込)
アウトドアブランドTHE NORTH FACEとの初めてのコラボレーションによるアイテムをご紹介致します。本格的なアウトドアシーンに耐えうるTHE NORTH FACEの機能的なアイテムに、minä perhonenによる自然をモチーフにした描きおろし柄をプリントしました。
休息のとき、それぞれの自然に身をゆだねる。山に生き、森の空気を生み出すものたちに包まれる情景を繊細なタッチで物語のように描いた“mountain holiday”。
柔らかに通り抜ける風。静かに、穏やかに、過ぎゆく時間の中に生まれる気配を透明感のある色彩で描いた“sweet wind”。
Mountain Trace Jacket jacket 42,120 yen (tax included)
Mountain Trace Jacket jacket 42,120 yen (tax included)
We introduce items by the first
collaboration with the outdoor brand THE NORTH FACE. In the functional item of
THE NORTH FACE that can withstand a full-scale outdoor scene, I printed a drawn
pattern with motif of nature by minä perhonen.
When resting, leave
themselves to each nature. "Mountain holiday" which depicts the
scenery wrapped in things that live in the mountains and creates the forest's
air like a story with delicate touch.
Wind that passes softly.
"Sweet wind" drawn quietly, calmly, in the color of transparency, the
sign of being born in the passing time.
A jacket adopting Gore-Tex
which combines light weight and excellent waterproof moisture permeability
function. It is the first wear that you would like to call for town youth as
well as outdoor scenes such as mountain climbing.
素材 ポリエステル100%、裏: ポリエステル100%
素材 ポリエステル100%、裏: ポリエステル100%
petal flame ダウンベスト down vest 72,000円(外税)
火と花をモチーフにした図案を組み合わせた連続性のある刺繍の図案“petal flame”。季節ごとに野を彩り人々の心を暖める花々と、明るさや暖かさを与えてくれる炎という暮らしの傍らに存在する題材から生まれたテキスタイルです。
Continuous embroidery design "petal flame" combining designs
with fire and flower motifs. It is a textile born from a material that exists
beside the flower which warms the field for every season and warms the hearts
of people and the living such as the flame which gives brightness and warmth.
Colorful down vest that makes going out fun.
It is drawn by imagining a small village inherited from ancient times carefully and imitating a pattern like spinning.
Colorful down vest that makes going out fun.
It is drawn by imagining a small village inherited from ancient times carefully and imitating a pattern like spinning.
素材: wool:99% / polyurethane:1% /
embroidery:acrylic:60% / wool:40% / stuffing:down:90% / feather:10%
embroidery:acrylic:60% / wool:40% / stuffing:down:90% / feather:10%
spica スカート 54,000円(外税)
A design "spica" depicting how the head is dancing in the wind. Airy form which also seems to sway in the wind flame is dynamic and in colorful attire, I feel the go move while shaking season. A skirt tailored in a firmly woven wool area is a design that textiles shine like a picture. Now the bulge of the tip likely play also is represented in the embroidery thread of repeated many times, it finished in one reminiscent of the spread to be spectacular scenery, yet fine.
素材: ウール100%、刺繍部分:コットン100%
Material: 100% wool, embroidered portion: 100% cotton
A design "spica" depicting how the head is dancing in the wind. Airy form which also seems to sway in the wind flame is dynamic and in colorful attire, I feel the go move while shaking season. A skirt tailored in a firmly woven wool area is a design that textiles shine like a picture. Now the bulge of the tip likely play also is represented in the embroidery thread of repeated many times, it finished in one reminiscent of the spread to be spectacular scenery, yet fine.
素材: ウール100%、刺繍部分:コットン100%
Material: 100% wool, embroidered portion: 100% cotton
mina perhonen ミナペルホネン slow dance ×hitomi shinoyama ベレー帽 ¥27,000 + tax
素材: rabbit felt / polyester
素材: rabbit felt / polyester
swan ミニバッグ (special edition):
moorii チャーム charm 2,500円(外税)
A textile "mechanical" and a textile "moorii" born by a human handicraft. Using the cut jacquard technique, we gently comprehend the soft texture and rounded form of the thread through a process that is made through manual work that cuts in interwoven threads while cutting. A playful design that feels the presence of strange animals wearing long hair feet.
素材: wool / alpaca / polyester / polyurethane
A textile "mechanical" and a textile "moorii" born by a human handicraft. Using the cut jacquard technique, we gently comprehend the soft texture and rounded form of the thread through a process that is made through manual work that cuts in interwoven threads while cutting. A playful design that feels the presence of strange animals wearing long hair feet.
素材: wool / alpaca / polyester / polyurethane
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