
minä perhonen ミナペルホネン SS2017 (Part 5)

  minä perhonen ミナペルホネン SS2017 繼續推出新品, 豆袋入手了以下:

frost gardenスカート 価格 54,000円(税込)

“frost garden”=フロストガーデン。
 朝の庭で、氷の結晶のような霜柱で覆われたお花たちをミナ ペルホネンらしい繊細な刺繍で表現されています。大胆な生命力と繊細な表情が魅力のテキスタイル。

  In the garden of the morning, the flowers covered with frost pillars like ice crystals are expressed with delicate embroidery that is like Mina Perhonen. Textile with attractive bold life force and delicate expression.

素材 表生地:綿100 刺繍部分:綿62%、アクリル22%、毛16
裏生地:キュプラ Cupra 100  
サイズ 36:ウエスト68cm、ヒップ96cm、総丈62.5cm
hope ドレス  73,440  (税込 
A textile "hope" depicting the appearance of a large flower petal blooming like pleasure. By overlapping thin thread embroidery over and over, we created a bold expression close to drawing like embroidered with thick thread. A dress tailored with a reasonable sense of sheer cotton fabric. It is an item of elegant impression which applied calm color embroidery blending into the base and expressed a bold pattern with shadow at a conservative level.
素材コットン100%、刺繍部分: コットン100%  
サイズ36  着丈101.5  バスト96.5  肩線14  裄丈  27

  tambourine ワンピース(17SS)  66,000(消費税込:71,280)
ミナペルホネンの代表的な刺繍柄。小さな重なる粒の刺繍は少しずつ大きさが違い、その小さな違いが目には優しく映ります。程良いハリと清涼感のあるリネンメッシュに、タンバリン刺繍を施したワンピース。バスト回りがゆるめで、裾にかけて美しいフレアーのでるAラインシルエットです。肩先に少しかぶるフレンチスリーブがキュート。カーディガンやジャケットを羽織っても素敵なシルエットです。 いつまでも長く着ていただきたい、爽やかな夏のタンバリンワンピース。コットン裏地付き。
Representative embroidery pattern of Mina Perhonen. Small overlapping grain embroidery is slightly different in size, and its small difference gently reflects on the eyes. One piece dressed in tambourine embroidery on a linen mesh with good firmness and refreshing feeling. It is loose around the bust, A line silhouette with a beautiful flare at the hem. French sleeve wearing a little over the shoulder is cute. Even wearing cardigans and jackets is a nice silhouette. I want to wear forever, a refreshing summer tambourine dress. With cotton lining.
素材:リネン100 (刺繍)コットン100 (裏地)コットン100
Material: 100% linen (embroidery) 100% cotton (lining) 100% cotton

tambourine ジャケット(17SS) 64,000(消費税込:69,120)
素材:リネン linen 100 (刺繍)コットンcotton 100
Representative embroidery pattern of Mina Perhonen. Small overlapping grain embroidery is slightly different in size, and its small difference gently reflects on the eyes. Summer 's sleeve jacket with tambourine embroidery on linen mesh.
It is a very light comfort and a single tailoring with a refreshing feel. A femininely friendly round collar, straight just silhouette with shoulder width. There is a tuck on the back hem bottom side. Beautiful and elegant impression, there is also a sense of well-modified design.
Put on top of a piece or short length with good balance even in accordance with wide pants. Because it is a loose silhouette, you can wear it cool in the summer.
From a light outing to an occasion, it is a jacket recommended for a wide range of scenes.