
minä perhonen ミナペルホネン AW2017 (Part 3)

豆袋近來入手的minä perhonen ミナペルホネン :

Mountain Trace Jacket ジャケット   42,120  (税込
アウトドアブランドTHE NORTH FACEとの初めてのコラボレーションによるアイテムをご紹介致します。本格的なアウトドアシーンに耐えうるTHE NORTH FACEの機能的なアイテムに、minä perhonenによる自然をモチーフにした描きおろし柄をプリントしました。
 休息のとき、それぞれの自然に身をゆだねる。山に生き、森の空気を生み出すものたちに包まれる情景を繊細なタッチで物語のように描いた“mountain holiday”

 柔らかに通り抜ける風。静かに、穏やかに、過ぎゆく時間の中に生まれる気配を透明感のある色彩で描いた“sweet wind”

Mountain Trace Jacket jacket 42,120 yen (tax included)
We introduce items by the first collaboration with the outdoor brand THE NORTH FACE. In the functional item of THE NORTH FACE that can withstand a full-scale outdoor scene, I printed a drawn pattern with motif of nature by minä perhonen.
  When resting, leave themselves to each nature. "Mountain holiday" which depicts the scenery wrapped in things that live in the mountains and creates the forest's air like a story with delicate touch.

  Wind that passes softly. "Sweet wind" drawn quietly, calmly, in the color of transparency, the sign of being born in the passing time.
  A jacket adopting Gore-Tex which combines light weight and excellent waterproof moisture permeability function. It is the first wear that you would like to call for town youth as well as outdoor scenes such as mountain climbing.
素材 ポリエステル100%、裏: ポリエステル100%

 petal flame ダウンベスト down vest 72,000(外税)
火と花をモチーフにした図案を組み合わせた連続性のある刺繍の図案“petal flame”。季節ごとに野を彩り人々の心を暖める花々と、明るさや暖かさを与えてくれる炎という暮らしの傍らに存在する題材から生まれたテキスタイルです。

Continuous embroidery design "petal flame" combining designs with fire and flower motifs. It is a textile born from a material that exists beside the flower which warms the field for every season and warms the hearts of people and the living such as the flame which gives brightness and warmth.
Colorful down vest that makes going out fun.
  It is drawn by imagining a small village inherited from ancient times carefully and imitating a pattern like spinning.

素材: wool99% / polyurethane1% /
60% / wool40% / stuffing:down90% / feather10%

 spica スカート 54,000(外税)
A design "spica" depicting how the head is dancing in the wind. Airy form which also seems to sway in the wind flame is dynamic and in colorful attire, I feel the go move while shaking season. A skirt tailored in a firmly woven wool area is a design that textiles shine like a picture. Now the bulge of the tip likely play also is represented in the embroidery thread of repeated many times, it finished in one reminiscent of the spread to be spectacular scenery, yet fine.
素材: ウール100%、刺繍部分:コットン100%
Material: 100% wool, embroidered portion: 100% cotton

mina perhonen ミナペルホネン slow dance ×hitomi shinoyama ベレー帽 27,000 + tax
素材: rabbit felt / polyester

swan ミニバッグ (special edition):

moorii チャーム charm 2,500(外税)
A textile "mechanical" and a textile "moorii" born by a human handicraft. Using the cut jacquard technique, we gently comprehend the soft texture and rounded form of the thread through a process that is made through manual work that cuts in interwoven threads while cutting. A playful design that feels the presence of strange animals wearing long hair feet.
素材: wool / alpaca / polyester / polyurethane 

gift from milkybear (yeah儲埋呢隻色 ^^):