ミナペルホネン mina perhonen 2022 part 6
豆袋又入手了 ミナペルホネン, 大開心:
Tori Bag
2000年に発表された“tori bag”は、ミナ ペルホネンで作り続けられているスタンダードアイテムです。鳥をかたどったフォルムのバッグに施されたステッチや目に見立てたボタン、バッグの中にはタマゴが3つ。装いのアクセントにはもちろん、ユニークなアイデアに溢れたディテールは、眺めているだけで楽しい気持ちになります。
The “tori bag”, which was announced in 2000, is a standard item that continues to be made at minä perhonen. The stitching and eye-like buttons on the bird-shaped bag have three eggs inside. Not only can it be used as an accent for your outfit, but the details full of unique ideas will make you feel happy just by looking at them.
The base part is made of "Pueblo leather" and has a rough texture with an unevenly whitish matte look. As you use it, the color will deepen and become familiar, so you can use it for a long time with attachment.
A design created with the image of colors overflowing from the silence of a deep forest. The matte leather is painted with lustrous embroidery thread, and vivid flowers are drawn as if they emerge from the darkness. I wish you to be a bright existence that encourages your heart so that you can have hope in your heart in any situation.
サイズF 縦23 横42 マチ15 持ち手20.5
coline bag 2022-23 a/w
ミニマムなデザインの“coline bag”。マットな質感の革で作られたバッグは曲線のフォルムが美しく、柔和な雰囲気です。内側には小さなポケットが一つあり、ショルダー紐は2段階で微調節が出来ます。バッグ自体がとても軽量であること、装いのアクセントになるような軽やかな色合いが魅力です。
サイズF 高さ22.5 横19 マチ巾7 持ち手103
素材 牛革
farfalla rattle 2022-23 a/w
“forest diamond”は、夢の中に出てくる不思議な物語に映るシーンを、それぞれ結晶のように表現したデザイン。時間や空間の概念が無い夢の中では、記憶と想像が混ざり合い、自由な空気に満ちた私たちのもうひとつの世界が広がります。
“Forest diamond” is a design that expresses each scene in a mysterious story that appears in a dream like a crystal. In dreams, where there is no concept of time or space, memory and imagination are mixed, and another world of ours, filled with free air, unfolds.
I made a rattle by taking out a mysterious animal like a butterfly from the textile. There is a bell inside that makes a cute sound when shaken.
サイズF 縦27 横15
素材 コットン100%、中綿:ポリエステル100%
coniglio rattle 2022-23 a/w
“forest diamond”は、夢の中に出てくる不思議な物語に映るシーンを、それぞれ結晶のように表現したデザイン。時間や空間の概念が無い夢の中では、記憶と想像が混ざり合い、自由な空気に満ちた私たちのもうひとつの世界が広がります。
“Forest diamond” is a design that expresses each scene in a mysterious story that appears in a dream like a crystal. In dreams, where there is no concept of time or space, memory and imagination are mixed, and another world of ours, filled with free air, unfolds.
From the textile, I took out a rabbit drawn with a generous touch and made a rattle. You can play with it by attaching it to your wrist, and there is a bell inside that makes a cute sound when you shake it.
サイズF 縦13 横9.5 持ち手9
素材 コットン100%、中綿:ポリエステル100%
ph 7 Shoes
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