

豆袋在2月尾去了和歌山、白浜、大阪、京都7天的生日之旅, 除了去白浜浸溫泉和看風景外, 當然有去Shopping! ^^

除了近來至愛的 minä perhonen ミナペルホネン和Chesty ,以前至愛品牌 - MILK ミルク外, 豆袋又喜歡上了一個日本品牌 - M's Gracy エムズグレイシーhttp://www.msgracy.com/ )




Feminine and elegant, slightly cute.

Styling proposal incorporating trend moderately.
  Clothing that complements the personality of people wearing without being swept.
With the image of Grace Kelly, we make clothes that cherish the cuteness of an adult woman in classical as a basic concept.

From the daily style to the party style, we develop items that can be used for various scenes.

M's Gracy 既衫衫大部份都是日本製的而且有2-3個碼選擇, 豆袋覺得係MILK ミルク既mature version,難怪豆袋咁喜愛! XD

2月日本有減價(雖然已是尾聲而且有不少shop減價已完結 ),豆袋第1站去了和歌山, 和歌山M's Gracy 有不少減價貨, 主要是7折, 豆袋十分興奮呢, 買了:

第2天去完景點後又入手了沒有打折的Spring items :

第3天去了白浜浸溫泉和看風景, 第4天回到大阪行了梅田阪急百貨和LUCUA 1100看看minä perhonen, 有做折, 不過豆袋很乖, 只在LUCUA 1100買了一件:

land puzzle down vest ダウンベスト
ジャカードコーデュロイで表現された柄の数々をパズルの様にコラージュして、空から見下ろす景色のように組み合わせた“land puzzle”。山脈やその間を流れる川、大地が生み出した凹凸を感じられるテキスタイルです。

"Land puzzle" which collages like a puzzle like a number of patterns represented by Jacquard Corduroy and combines like a landscape looking down from the sky. It is a textile that you can feel the unevenness created by mountain ranges, rivers that flow between them, and the earth.
  A warm down vest that was tailored with a warm fabric, is one piece that you can coordinate with pants as well as pretty skirts and dresses. From calm tones to bright colors, the imagination of the dress swells.

素材 コットンcotton100%、中綿: ダウンdown90%、フェザーfeather10%

很喜歡呢隻黃色, 豆袋之後去京都穿上它影相很上鏡呢!
亦在梅田阪急百貨買了呢對鞋子用來襯M's Gracy:

第5天去了京都minä perhonen shop 潮聖 和 JR京都Isetan Restyle (有做折的和新的minä perhonen items, 豆袋只試了但沒有買), 在 京都minä perhonen shop 買了:

Rosas knit pullover ニットプルオーバー  49,680円  (税込)

2015-16 → "Rosas" announced at the AW collection. A knit item expressing rose flowers with a knitted pattern is a piece wearing a soft petal overlap delicately. We braided lightly with linen based yarn. Not to mention the style of the skirt, it is an elegant knit that makes casual style gorgeous.

素材ベース: リネン89%、ナイロン11%、モチーフ: コットン100%
Material base: 89% linen, 11% nylon, motif: 100% cotton

“Rosas”呢個pattern 真的很漂亮、很漂亮!

第6天 放棄了去神户的Chesty offiical shop, 去了 心斎橋大丸的 M's Gracy , 買了:
 Perfume bottle blouse

Jacket ジャケット
All-pink styling full of happiness just through sleeves. The tweed weave tweed jacket has an atmosphere with springy feeling with a sense of sharpness.
size 36・38・40
color  ホワイトwhite ・ピンクpink・ネイビーnavy
品質 綿80%・ナイロンNylon 9%・レーヨンRayon6%・アクリルAcrylic5%

有 tote bag novelty , yeah:
亦去了The GUEST cafe&diner大阪 期間限定 My Melody X Sailormoon Cafe 飲用melon soda & ice cream:
附送匙扣和杯墊 ^^
第7天在關西機場買到了Starbucks 櫻花暖水壺;

是次生日之旅真的很開心、很開心! ^0^

