
PINK HOUSE ピンクハウス 2020 S/S part 2

豆袋繼續落新坑 - PINK HOUSE ピンクハウス 中~

フラワリィローズプリントカットソーFlowery Rose Printed Top
やわらかなタッチで描かれたピンク色薔薇たち、微笑みあうように重なり合ってふんわりと色づくローズ色のブーケにちいさな鳥が幸せの青い花を携えて、さわやかなソライロのサムシングブルーをアクセント、Flowery Roseフラワリィローズプリントをプリントしたカットソー。ピンク色のブーケにロゴを添えて華やかに。身ごろは肌ざわりのよさと面構えのよさを兼ね備えたキレイめスムース。ピンク色のブーケにたくさんの幸せの気持ちをこめて贈ります
Pink roses drawn with a soft touch, rose-like bouquets that gently smile while overlapping each other with a smile, small birds carry happy blue flowers, and refreshing Solair's something blue accents, Flowery Rose Flowery Cut and sew with a rose print. Gorgeous with a pink bouquet and logo. The body is clean and smooth with a nice texture and a good look. I give a lot of happiness to a pink bouquet
3(Mサイズ)着丈56.0 肩幅35.0 身幅42.5 袖丈20.0

 ウサギアップリケカットソーチュニックRabbit applique cutsew tunic
やわらかなタッチで描かれたピンク色薔薇たち、Flowery Roseフラワリィローズプリントをウサギの顔のシルエットに切り抜いてアップリケにしてフロントに大きく貼り付けたカットソーチュニック。ロゴ入りサテンリボンを添えてよりキュートに。ウサギの可愛さと清楚なローズプリントが見事にマッチ!さらりと可愛いアイテムです。キャラクターは好きだけど、可愛すぎて着れない・・・という方にもオススメの1着!身ごろは肌ざわりのよいスムース素材。毛羽の少ない綺麗めな素材です。
Pink roses drawn with a soft touch, Flowery Rose Flowery rose print is cut out into a silhouette of the face of a rabbit and made into an appliqué and cut and cut tunic is attached to the front. With a satin ribbon with a logo, it becomes even more cute. The cute rabbit print and neat rose print match perfectly! It is a very cute item. Recommended for those who like the character but can't wear it because they are too cute! The body is a smooth material that feels good on the skin. It is a beautiful material with little fuzz.
着丈79.5 肩幅39.5 身幅53.0 袖丈25.0
綿50% アクリル25% ナイロン20% ポリウレタン5%

 マドラスチェックブラウス Madras check blouse
カラフルな夏色のマドラスチェックは爽やかでさらりとした清涼感のあるリネンを使用。洗いざらしのざっくりとした風合いのナチュラルさはこれからのシーズンにピッタリの素材感です。麻というと敬遠しがちの方も、リネンの着心地にやみつきになりそう・・ぜひお試してみてくださいね。スモック風のデザインが可愛いブラウス。フロントにはPINK HOUSEのロゴ刺繍入り
The colorful summer Madras check uses linen with a refreshing and refreshing feel. The washed and washed natural texture is perfect for the coming season. Even people who tend to shy away from hemp may find it addictive to the comfort of linen... Please give it a try. A blouse with a cute smock design. PINK HOUSE logo embroidered on the front
着丈59.0 肩幅45.5 身幅54.0 袖丈22.5

豆袋知道啊! pink house 唔平的...豆袋冇眼睇~~


mina perhonen 2020 part 2

豆袋又回歸返 mina, 入手了以下:

choucho カットソー Cut and sew 2020 s/s
2001年初夏コレクションに発表されて以来、皆様に愛されミナ ペルホネンを代表するテキスタイルとなった“choucho”。テキスタイルや衣服の中に、空間や動きを感じられることが表現されています。穏やかな空気の中をふわりと舞うちょうちょの様子が刺繍描かれた図案。
素材 コットン100%、刺繍部分:キュプラ100%
"Choucho" has become a textile that has been loved by everyone since its introduction in the early summer 2001 collection and represents Mina Perhonen. You can feel the space and movement in textiles and clothes. A design in which the state of Maichocho is softly embroidered in the calm air.
Cut and sew using a slightly thick cotton thread. Tailored as a standard person who can eat rough. It has a comfortable size.
Material 100% cotton, embroidery part: 100% cupra
wheat カットソー Cut and sew 2020 s/s

ala サンダル sandals
素材 牛革
The item "ala" with the name meaning wings in Italian. The rough design is combined with high quality leather. The simplicity is easy to match with any styling. The ankle belt can be adjusted in size to provide a stable and comfortable fit.

oval belt ベルト
素材 牛革 真鍮
I made a belt with a plain oval buckle like an egg. The buckle carved out of brass has a crafted appearance, leaving the carved look. You can use it not only as a pants style, but also as an accent for coordination with a dress. The soft curves and the gentle luster of brass seem to give warmth.
Material Cowhide brass

forest parade marron bag 2020 s/s
持ち手と底に柔らかなカーフスキンを配した、"marron bag”は、底が丸いデザインで、持ち上げると栗のようなまあるい形に。クラフト感がありながらもレザーの質感が上品に映ります。
ざっくりとしたリネン地のフロントには、forest paradeのレースを配して。歩く度に、レースが優美に揺れる動きのあるアイテムです。
The "marron bag", which has a soft calfskin on the handle and bottom, has a rounded bottom design that makes it look like a chestnut when lifted. The texture of leather looks elegant while it has a craft feeling.
A forest parade race is arranged at the front of the rough linen cloth. Every time you walk, it is an item with a gracefully swaying lace.
素材 リネン100%、刺繍部分: コットン100%、牛革
cosmos カットソー cut sew 2020 s/s
素材 リネン100%
The design "cosmos" was created by examining a new dot pattern. Circles and dots floating in a whim, like stars scattered across the universe. The playful design allows you to feel the space in the fabric. The cut and sewn, made from linen thread, has a dry and comfortable texture even in summer. It is a design of a new approach that is between the plain and the pattern.
Material 100% linen

tarn カットソードレス2020 s/s
ウエストのギャザーから流れるドレープが美しいカットソードレス。シルク糸の持つ光沢が陰影を生み、穏やかに波立つ水面を思わせます。動きに呼応するように広がるフレアが上品な印象。しなやかな質感が心地よく、お出かけのシーンにも馴染むような汎用性の高い一着です。襟元にはforest paradeのモチーフを添えて。
 素材 シルク65%、コットン35%
tarn cut-and-sew dress 2020 s/s
A cut-and-sew dress with a beautiful drape flowing from the waist gathers. The luster of silk threads creates shadows, reminiscent of the gently undulating water surface. The impression that the flare that spreads in response to movement is elegant. The supple texture is comfortable, and it is a versatile piece that fits well in the scene of going out. Attach a forest parade motif to the collar.
  Material 65% silk, 35% cotton
symphony シンフォニー ピンブローチ (ネコ)
symphony symphony pin brooch (cat)

ユニークなポーズと表情が愛らしいネコのデザイン。 他のデザインのブローチと重ね付けをするのも素敵です。
 Textile "symphony" that combines geometric patterns and concrete designs.
  A tiny world spreads out in flapping birds, humorous animals and rhombuses.
A small pin brooch with a rhombus motif cut out.
A cute cat design with unique poses and expressions. It is also nice to stack with other design brooches.

always テーパードデニム 2020 s/s
素材 コットン67%、リネン33%
always tapered denim 2020 s/s
Always fresh denim with a soft and soft linen weft.
The one-wash processed denim fabric has a loose and soft texture. The buttons on the front are designed with a butterfly motif, and the details with the mermaid embroidery pattern on the inside of the back pocket are particular details.
Pants with a tapered silhouette shaped toward the hem. The clean silhouette is not too casual, and it seems to be elegantly worn with various tops such as blouses, knits and cut-and-sews.
Material 67% cotton, 33% linen
 On model:
相比以往喜歡的pattern/刺繍items, 豆袋近來更喜歡mina一些簡約的design配上特別的剪裁 (好像以上wheat / cosmos Tee) 的items 呢! 而且正如奶啤所言: 著Mina,有種說不出的幸福感! ^__^



豆袋又不小心落新坑 - PINK HOUSE ピンクハウス

人を愛し、生活を愛し、人生を愛するすべての女性に、 ピンクハウスは自分らしい時間を約束します
For every woman who loves people, loves life, and loves life, Pink House promises a personal time

Polka dot applique cut and sewn with lemon embroidery
Brilliant yellow that shines in the sun, embroidered adorable lemon on the polka dot print gives a refreshing appliqué that looks very spring. A cut-and-sew with a pop and cute applique attached to the front. The appliqué is accompanied by a round slice of lemon in the shape of a heart that is sweet and sour, and small white flowers with a refreshing scent dance around it. Also with classical logo embroidery

パフスリーブカットソー Puff sleeve sewn
The cute puff sleeve is a design cut and sew that uses gingham check and small flower embroidery. The body is made of smooth material made from high-quality cotton, Supima cotton, and has a smooth look that can be worn beautifully. A cute ribbon with a foil print logo on the front! Outstanding power to wear tops and inners! It's a must-have item for this summer because it's worn like a blouse! !
Dungarees midi skirt
Dungaree skirts that are perfect for the coming season.
A tiered skirt with an A-line silhouette that is easy to wear.
And from the hem, the ruffle of the loan is a glance ♪

A layered style with a loin with frills on the hem.
A skirt with a great deal of value that looks like the layers of one layer.
It is an excellent item that you can enjoy a layered style even if you do not pile up in a sweaty season!

It is cool with a slightly shorter Mimore length than a long length.
Take off the front button and enjoy the frills of the lone frill

Lemon print canvas tote bag
A bright yellow that shines in the sun. Lemons that have a lovely and unique shape with a small white flower that gives off a refreshing scent. The sour and waking juice that seems to spill out is covered with a lemon in the shape of a sweet and sour heart, and a bright smile of lemon yellow colors the lively and fun spring♪
"Lemon print" tote bag. Printed on cotton canvas, this popular tote bag has a total print pattern. It's a large size and plenty of baggage, and it will fit in roughly. Pockets on both the left and right sides. A plastic bottle is also included!
豆袋暫時入手了以上, 不知豆袋能否控制不太瘋狂呢?! ^0^