
至愛品牌 "minä perhonen"

終於寫至愛品牌 "minä perhonen"了, 其實都是從豆袋新喜愛品牌的日本Online Shop click click下而認識minä perhonen的, 見到minä perhonen D衫是心心眼地不能自拔! XD

介紹下minä perhonen:


what is minä perhonen?


minä perhonen is a fashion brand working to produce clothes which do not lose their allure through lapse of time. The design process begins with sketches, which are made into their original fabrics. Also, they aspire to develop new materials and techniques with production centers of home and abroad. The name of the brand originates in Finnish as the designer sympathized with the lifestyle and the culture of FINLAND; he has traveled many times through northern European countries. "minä" means "I" and "perhonen" is "butterfly," with a wish to make many beautiful designs like those of butterflies' wings. The brand logo signifies "various characters (dots) within oneself (rectangle shape)." Just like the species of butterflies are countless, the designs too continue to increase.



 あったらいいと思っている」(毎日ファッション大賞受賞時の皆川 明コメント)。
"A piece of clothes, is completely body of habit is wearing is wearing soaked.
  The wearing of exhausted following a memory, when I finish this job,
Me someone wore somewhere. It is possible to create a kind of clothing
  If available and I say "(Akira Minagawa comment for the Fashion Grand Prize every day).
Clothes leaving the hands of the designer, I hope that it will grow up in the new time axis with the people who wear.

Spring/Summer 2016 Concept



 今回は、日光写真とモノクロ、カラーを組み合わせて仕上げました。日の光で像を焼き付ける日光写真が、美しいレントゲン写真のように、今季のためにつくられた刺繍やプリント、織りのテクスチャーを映しています。 日光写真の深い藍の世界をとりまくのは、モノクロの静かな風景と、春の浅い空気の色。3つの異質が奏でるひとつの景色をお楽しみくださいませ。

"Positive coexistence" 2016SS season theme meaning was filling the "join".

  Crest yellow butterflies were summarized as spun to collect light, it was completed at last.

  This time, sunlight photos and black-and-white, and finished in a combination of colors. Nikko photo burn an image in the light of day, such as the beautiful X-ray photographs and reflects embroidery and print was made for this season, the weave texture. The surrounding world of sunlight deep photo indigo, and the monochrome of quiet landscape, spring shallow air of color. Not please enjoy one of the scenery in which three of heterogeneity is playing.

知道TST 有賣當天放工立即去, 買了:

pallo/tambourine pizza bag (medium size)

ピッツァのようにフラットな円形のバッグ。持ち手を持って、荷物の重みで下部に重心がくることで球体のようなシルエットが生まれます。畳むとフラットになりますのでくるくると丸めて旅行等にもおすすめです。2000年の発表以来、皆様に愛されミナ ペルホネンを代表するテキスタイルとなった“tambourine”と繋がりを感じる“pallo”と組み合わせて一つのバッグに仕立てました。円形の図案がバッグの形状と重なり、楽しげな雰囲気に感じられます。10インチ、15インチ、20インチとピッツァのサイズで作られています。

Flat circular bag like a pizza. With the possession, silhouette, such as a sphere to come is the center of gravity at the bottom under the weight of the luggage is born. It is also recommended to travel, etc., rounding round and round because it becomes flat and fold. Since its introduction in 2000, was tailored to one of the bag in combination with feel the connection "pallo" and became a textile representative of the Mina perhonen to be loved by everyone "tambourine". Circular pattern overlaps the shape of the bag, you will feel the joyful atmosphere. 10 inches, 15 inches, are made in size 20-inch and pizza.

  27,000  (税込)     17,280  (税込)    9,720  (税込)

 不要小看它, 好roomy 的, 中size 最fit 豆袋 (亦是最受歡迎的size)

之後梗係同奶啤Happy Friday 再去, 入手多三樣:

wild star ノースリーブブラウス
(wild star sleeveless blouse) 36,720  (税込)

Poured down on the ground stardust will soon bloom root tension flower. Is a textile which represents the embroidery pattern to imagine such a scene. Blouse tailored in supple material of cotton silk is a simple one that can call you without choosing the bottoms. Requires high embroidery which has been subjected to fine cut work technology, we have made a delicate look to the dough. Venus and of dawn, we have available in two colors reminiscent of a star which emits a clear shine spread in the night sky people.

yamanami カットソー (Mountains cut) 22,680  (税込)


Mountain There is also like a succession design is also like a wave of the sea "yamanami". Raised to the dynamic, it is a textile depicting a natural rhythm to receive the wind in the powerful touch. Cut of delicate texture that blend silk and cashmere, gives birth a beautiful drape while along the body. Design with a sense of movement is vividly shines in the sun with increased brightness, seems full of energy of the natural world. Because the elegant look while being cut, of course is a casual item, it is likely to be able to deploy in a chic dress.

sorbet レギンス (leggings) 8,640  (税込)

Knitted fabric with a thread of supple without hesitation texture we make you a cool leggings. The item in the clean silhouette along the foot. Combined with sheer dresses and bottoms, is likely can summon in a refreshing impression even in early summer.

之後再上網訂了最出名的egg bag:
flow dance エッグバッグ (Egg bag)
10,800  (税込)   43 cm 30cm
 花たちが風に揺られて踊っている情景を描いたテキスタイル“flow dance”。ふわふわと優しい風に揺れる花々は空気の中を浮遊しているようにも見え、穏やかでありながらもどこか幻想的な春の景色を連想させます。絵の具やペン、鉛筆など様々な画材を使って描かれた図案が花々の表情をより豊かにしています。
 Egg bag that attitude is a sign of Manufacturing of Mina Perhonen not to waste as much as possible material. Protect the life, the role of the organic eggs that nurture is so as to overlap with this bag that will continue to make in the future.
  Textile flowers drew the scene dancing been rocked in the wind "flow dance". Fluffy and gentle swaying in the wind flowers appear also to have been floating in the air, reminiscent of the views of the gentle, yet also somewhere fantastic spring. Paint and pen, design that has been drawn using a variety of art supplies, such as pencils have a more enrich the flowers of expression.

豆袋買了黃花的! ^^
mp 已經成為豆袋至愛品牌, 但mp價錢不平宜的, 是相對豆袋新喜愛品牌中最貴的, 所以豆袋在其他品牌上要節儉些, 留彈藥給mp! XD


買瘋了 (Part 2)

又新入手了以下 (唔執D翻譯了, Directly paste from Google Translate):

Cotton House Aya コットンハウスアヤ
(Castle Combe gardenカッスルクームガーデン)

The name derived from the: planning, manufacture and sale of fabrics of cotton and clothes, as the shop was a star, the name of the owner's daughter "Aya" was attached.

Designer : 小原洋子さん


Cotton House Aya clothes is the center is cotton. In most domestic production, we make believe cherish material.

Store development, manufacturing, which was squeezed in natural color is a chance that saw the shop of linen in the French Clignancourt flea market. Shop of this linen have been unified color, one by one had been clean washed. Have lined up on top of the big old table, also pulled out ... beautiful antique bobbin lace of Europe in the. Underwear of the Victorian era. Chanel blouse, Hermes vintage scarf was impressive.



I want to make this kind of shop. And I'll squeeze the theme squeeze the color ... and Let's Make a store of ecru of clothes .... This is the birth of Le Village in the Taisho Street Kichijoji. Old furniture and antique kitchen accessories in Europe, flower painting of enamel, bread cans, cup and saucer, a chair, a glass vase, pine table, white cabinet, such as Provence farmhouse.

 Keio Line Setagaya Ward Osan one shop. Cotton House Aya is a head office in Mitaka. Two stores of Farmer's collection as a select shop. And Village National shop in the National, has created a further Jesus data Day cross to Kichijoji. Use the tiles and old door was to the store in London and Paris of antique and clothes. Direct to London and Paris in the purchase of small items (this area is in the blog).

 コットンハウス・アヤの服は、素材にこだわり…肌ざわりのいい自然素材で。日常着にかっこよく着られます。贅沢な木綿の服としてCastle Comb GardenLace(カッスルクームガーデンのレース)の服はテキスタイルからつくっています。イギリスへ旅する中、はちみつ色の美しい村として“カッスルクーム”がありました。その地名からレースの服のブランド名の誕生です。古い植物柄のエッチングやロココの花刺繍やアールヌーボーのスカーフや、ラリック・ガレのガラスのモチーフに刺激され…つぎつぎオリジナルレースの図案をつくっています。現在100柄以上がストックされています。展示会でのご注文数のみを素材づくりして、ブラウスやスカートをつくっています。エンブロィダリーレース(Lace)の機械でアヤは新素材の開発を考えています。また工場直の生地づくりなので、少しでも贅沢なものをリーズナブルな価格で販売できるよう国内生産でがんばっています。

Cotton House Aya”(コットンハウスアヤ)、”Neo British”(ネオブリティッシュ)、”Pick up”(ピックアップ)、”Castle Combe Garden”(カッスルクームガーデン)、”Yesterday CROSS”(イエスタデイクロス) とブランドを分けています!

Cotton House Aya clothes, the material Good ... good in natural materials and soft. It will be wearing cool for everyday wear. Luxurious as cotton clothes of Castle Comb Garden Lace of (race of Castlebridge Combe Garden) clothes are made from textiles. While traveling to the United Kingdom, there was a "Castle Combe" as the beautiful village of honey-colored. The birth of the brand name of the race of the clothes from the place name. Old and plants pattern of etching and Rococo flower embroidery and Art Nouveau scarf, stimulated the motif of a glass of Lalique, Galle ... we made a one after another design of the original race. Currently more than 100 pattern has been stock. Only the number of orders at the exhibition and material development, we made a blouse and skirt. Embu machine in Aya of Roi Daly race (Lace) is considering the development of new materials. Also because the building fabric of the factory direct, we work hard in the domestic production to be able to sell at a reasonable what luxury even a little price.

"Cotton House Aya" (Cotton House Aya), "Neo British" (neo-British), "Pick up" (pickup), "Castle Combe Garden" (Castlebridge Combe Garden), "Yesterday CROSS" divided the brand and (Yesterday cross) users had!



佢地D刺繡好靓, 忍不住响official web save 了兩張相片:

Not timeless, aware of the women with their own style .... Based on the nostalgic taste, and friendly dress of French trad, representing the adult casual in a certain prejudice texture design. Clothes to wear for a relaxing day-to-day are aligned. Such as the original item that the image of such as patchwork and French antique lace of delicate cotton lace, is attention to the lineup with an awareness of sweetness in detail with feelings.
以法式自然風格為設計,注入懷舊優雅風格~ 嚴選親膚的優質素材,融合舒適無造作的立體裁剪, 打造法式經典簡約、自然復古風格的服飾
來自日本的自然系品牌~ 以法式自然風格為設計,注入懷舊優雅風格~ 品牌提倡以愉快生活、輕鬆穿搭為概念, 嚴選親膚的優質素材,融合舒適無造作的立體裁剪, 打造法式經典簡約、自然復古風格的服飾, 展現現代人樂活的質感與品味

仲有Innowave white skirt(抵買):
至於哪神秘的至愛品牌”, 又留待下篇了……… XD