
minä perhonen ミナペルホネン AW2016 (Part 1)

冬季衫陸續推出, 豆袋亦留了彈藥買至愛品牌minä perhonen !
land puzzle コート  
102,600  (税込) 素材  コットンCotton100%

ジャカードコーデュロイで表現された柄の数々をパズルの様にコラージュして、空から見下ろす景色のように組み合わせた“land puzzle”。山脈やその間を流れる川、大地が生み出した凹凸を感じられるテキスタイルで、シンプルなコートをご用意致しました。ノーカラーの襟元や少し長めの丈等、日常にお召し頂きやすい生地ながら上品な表情を持つ一枚に仕上がりました。
A number of the pattern that has been expressed in jacquard corduroy and collage like a puzzle, a combination like the scenery overlooking from the sky "land puzzle". River flowing through the mountains and between them, in the textile felt the earth was created unevenness, we offer a simple coat. No color of the neck or a little longer length, etc., finished in one piece with an elegant look while We easy dough summons to everyday.

Photos copied from mp official web :

 豆袋選了最容易襯衫的navy :

 豆袋覺得穿上這件褸有一點型的感覺XD, 很喜歡呢!
forest ring タイツ tights
10,800円 (税込)


light brown

light gray


         Wool 79%, nylon 16%, polyurethane 5%


Herringbone pattern composed of four dots. Expression of the dot made with a picture torn a brush to write the dot has continuous forms a contrast. Wool-based tights dots are lined up on the side is reflected in the fresh a little retro look. Including the chic color, vivid color such that refers to the color of coordination also we offer.

豆袋選了light gray:

tambourine シルバーリング silver ring
18,000(外税)   素材:silver925

ミナ ペルホネンの様々なテキスタイルの中でも定番として長くつくり続けられているtambourineの真鍮のモチーフを使用したリング。刺繍によって生まれる厚みや、ステッチの表情もそのままに表現されています。

Ring that was using a variety of brass of the motif of the tambourine, which is continuing to create long as a staple among the textile Mina perhonen. And thickness born by embroidery, also has been expressed as it is the expression of the stitch.


Tambourinempsignature design, 而且size 亦合豆袋, 價錢合理, 作為 mp fans 的豆袋又怎麼能夠抵抗它呢?

mp的店鋪其實亦主要賣日本鞋子的, 是很舒適的真皮鞋子, 豆袋選的這雙很襯mp:
不瞞大家, 豆袋買mp 係有心跳加速的感覺 (豆袋傻的), 豆袋我是真的好喜歡 mp ! 哈哈~~豆袋應該還會繼續入手mp, 所以這次的標題是估計的AW2016 (Part 1) !^^


2016 Summer 日本減價 (Part 4) - Jane Marple

是呢, 又怎可能少了JM的份兒呢! XD
入手了JM Skirt:

竟然還可以入手到這件受歡迎的Navy 色JM Cardigan (沒有影到真版相, 可以到奶啤blog看看, 奶啤有真人示範! XD):

 如同奶啤所講一樣, JM的navy items 是最美的! ^^


2016 Summer 日本減價 (Part 3) - Tocca

Tocca 不是剛認識, 但是今次真的完全地愛上了!因它的size 有分碼, 是有好fit 豆袋的碼!而且很漂亮!!!! Tocca價位不平, 豆袋待減價 才捨得入手!


Touch TOCCA,Touch Your Heart





Italian naming called "TOCCA", the meaning of English of "TOUCH"

Beautiful embroidery brand icon in the classical, such as might want to touch involuntarily

Elegant fine style in romantic stuck to the "TOUCH (touch)"

To represent the "TOUCH (sounds)" to timeless view of the world in mind




It combines the flower type - the Supanko and beads of flower decorated in Erimoto, is knit of feminine design. And a combination of a plurality of flowers, is very gorgeous.
Your sleeves are switching the material in organdy, we have made a classy and elegant mood. In a compact silhouette.


TRIPPING blouse 



It is a lovely blouse wearing plenty of ribbon to the sleeves. By putting the material of the ribbon with a sense of sheer, and finished with a moderately feminine design it does not become too heavy. Natural visible sense, so we use a supple and smooth and refreshing sense of material, It is one of without big success mistake now and summer.
  Lovely your sleeves look better, we finished the design of a simple silhouette. The skirt portion has been put at one point the plate containing the logo of TOCCA.

GRASS PEAK blouse 



Since the length is short, it is a summons able blouse out of the skirt. Since the hem of ruffle detail is we have plus a reasonable sweetness to the simple design, you can dress the entire coordination with lovely atmosphere. Since the design with a collar, it is a design that can summons to elegant and beautiful. 

  The material is, and the texture of tension while thin with a clean surface feeling, smooth stretch we use the good things comfortable, so is the one without a definitely a big success for the summer.



Detail of the ribbon attached to both sides is a cute blouse. Three types of pattern was applied to the border-like, we use a delicate lace. The chest, we have to use by color the grosgrain ribbon. The foundation, was delicately finished with something that combines the sense of sheer no softness and organza unique in organdy.

TRIM KNIT JK knit jacket 



Ribbon has become a point, it is a knit jacket by color. Part that is round color scheme trimming, we are wearing knit Crochet manually satin tape. Because we use a soft material, it is comfort.
Because it is knit it has designed to look like a jacket until it clicks, it is suitable for little formal place.

以下是豆袋超期待的刺繡(Tocca 刺繡都有名) Skirt, 同時亦擔心不合身, 幸好是fit身的!
2016 S/S Embroidery - CORN FLOWER
矢車のように丸く美しい花を咲かせる"CORN FLOWER"をモチーフに、エンブロイダリーを施したファブリックです。しわになりにくいポリエステルの特性を持ちながら天然素材のような見た目のベース素材は、ハリ感があり上品なシルエットを生みます。 刺繍の後に穴を空ける「ボーラー」と、空いた穴の間に糸を渡す「インターバル」という高度な刺繍技術を用いて、シンプルな図案ながら繊細な表情を作り出しています。
The round bloom beautiful flowers "CORN FLOWER" as Yaguruma, is a fabric which has been subjected to embroidery. Appearance of the base material, such as natural materials while maintaining the characteristics of the wrinkle-resistant polyester, gives birth the elegant silhouette there is a sense of firmness. Drilling holes after the embroidery as "borer", pass the thread between the vacant hole by using the advanced embroidery technique called "interval", it has created a delicate look with simple designs.

以豆袋對TOCCA 的喜愛程度, 可以foresee 到是會繼續入坑(另一入坑品牌是mina perhonen XD), 但豆袋會待減價才入手的! 加油呀!豆袋! XD