wolf&flower 今季呢個print ..... 豆袋真的好LIKE, 正如Official Web 既description一樣, 豆袋覺得佢係型得來又含住花地優雅 (是正在追女性wolf?XD)
ブルゾン 75,600円 (税込)
オオカミと花、こわいものと可憐なものは相対するようで、実は互いの生まれ変わりかもしれないという想像から生まれたテキスタイル。躍動感を感じられるよう立体的に仕上げた狼の刺繍がポイントになったブルゾンを仕立てました。身体にほどよく沿う上品なシルエットですので、カジュアルな装いにはもちろん、スカートと合わせてお召いただくのもおすすめです。flowerを逆さに書くとre wolf(生まれ変わりのオオカミ)になる言葉の妙も楽しく感じられる一着です。
Wolf and flowers, scary things and pretty
things seem to relative, actually textile was born from the imagination that
might be the reincarnation of each other. Sterically finished wolf of
embroidery to feel the uplifting feeling was tailored jackets became a point.
Because it is elegant silhouette along moderately in the body, to the casual
attire of course, it is also recommended to receive summons together with the
skirt. flower is wearing a strange also feel fun of words to become a write
upside down and re wolf (wolf of reincarnation) a.
素材 ウール65%、ポリエステル35%、刺繍部分: レーヨン70%、キュプラ20%、アクリル10%
Wool 65%, 35% polyester, embroidery parts:
70% rayon, cupra 20%, acrylic 10%
其實內布都好靓,係 forest ring pattern:
wolf&flower ピンブローチ pin brooch 2,800円(消費税込:3,024円) Size: 5.5×2.5
"Wolf &
flower" was designed from the embroidery motif, the wolf was added to
flower pin badge. As of embroidery textile, cute even put face to face the
right and left!
扣上Land Puzzle Coat 會很配吧!
tambourine ワンピース 62,000円(消費税込:66,960円)
Material: 100% wool (embroidery) Cotton 100%
(lining) 100% Polyester・tambourine…タンバリン
ミナペルホネンの代表的な刺繍柄。小さな重なる粒の刺繍は少しずつ大きさが違い、その小さな違いが目には優しく映ります。ふっくらとしたあたたかみのある中肉のウールアムンゼンにタンバリン刺繍を施したワンピース。太めの刺繍糸で刺したタンバリン柄はぽこっとふくらみのある立体的な表情です。ゆるめのストレートで、ヒップラインにやや丸みをつけたシルエット。配色のタンバリン刺繍が映えるシンプルなデザインです。ゴムギャザーでふくらみをつけた袖口が優しいイメージ。mina perhonenのスタンダードとして愛されるタンバリン柄のワンピースは、長く着ていただける一着になりそう。
Tambourine ... tambourine
Typical embroidery pattern of Mina perhonen.
Small overlap grain of embroidery is the difference is little by little size,
the small difference is reflected gently in the eyes. Piece subjected to the
tambourine embroidery to medium thickness of wool Amundsen with plump warm.
Tambourine stabbed in the thick of embroidery thread pattern is a three-dimensional
look with bulging with Poko'. Straight loose, silhouette wearing a slightly
rounded hips. It is a simple design with color scheme of tambourine embroidery
shone. Friendly image cuff wearing a bulge in the rubber gather. Piece of
tambourine pattern to be loved as a standard of mina perhonen is likely to be
wearing a wear long.
On Model:
經典tambourine刺繍 + pastel
pink color, 豆袋點忍到呀!!!!
兩天後, 店主Whatsapp 豆袋訂的貨到了, 結果:
エッグバッグ Egg bag 11,000円(消費税込:11,880円)
Wolf and flowers, scary things and pretty
things seem to relative, actually textile was born from the imagination that
might be the reincarnation of each other. Design the appearance has been drawn
witty that wolf adds a flower is reflected also in the way of the trees of the
forest they live in that the combination is contiguous. Egg bag that has been
tailored in the same wool gabardine material and clothes.
Material: wool 99%, 1% polyurethane
(embroidery) acrylic 39%, 35% cotton, wool 26%
是呢, 豆袋一早已LIKE 呢個pattern, 一早已訂了! ^^
seed カットソー 18,000円(消費税込:19,440円)
Feather seed ... kind of feather seed wings
with a feather will continue flying to the far himself as if there is an
intention to leave from the branches. Jersey textile representing the feathered
species in the cut jacquard. Feather in the wool cut jacquard, dot part of the
seed is expressed in rayon shiny. Body is a very soft texture with fine count
of wool jersey. Wide width of a garment and drop-shoulder cut that loose. Mood
of even brighter pop motif cut is an item that will have fun the coordination.
枝から離れた種が意志があるかのように自ら遠くへ飛んでゆく、その様子から着想を得て生まれたテキスタイル“fether seed”。遠くへ飛べるよう羽で風をとらえながら空を浮遊する様子を織り柄で表現致しました。ウールベースで織り上げたプレーンなシルエットのカットソーは、デニム等と合わせた日々のコーディネートに良く合います。フラットに描かれていながらも軽やかさを感じる図案は秋空に吹き抜ける風を感じさせます
Species away from the branch Yuku fly to distant themselves as if there is a will, textile "fether seed" was born inspired from the state. We expressed in the pattern weave a state of floating in the sky while caught the wind in the wings to fly far. Wool-based woven plain silhouette of the cut is, goes well in day-to-day coordination combined with denim. Design feel even lightness while have been drawn to the flat will feel the wind blowing through the autumn sky
Species away from the branch Yuku fly to distant themselves as if there is a will, textile "fether seed" was born inspired from the state. We expressed in the pattern weave a state of floating in the sky while caught the wind in the wings to fly far. Wool-based woven plain silhouette of the cut is, goes well in day-to-day coordination combined with denim. Design feel even lightness while have been drawn to the flat will feel the wind blowing through the autumn sky
forest parade カットソー 26,000円(消費税込:28,080円)
・forest parade…フォレストパレード、森のパレード
05春夏から続いている刺繍モチーフでミナペルホネンの代表的刺繍柄のひとつ。forest paradeの一つ一つのモチーフをちりばめたワイドカットソーです。鹿の子編み風の表情のあるウールレーヨンジャージーは、程よい厚みのある暖かな素材感。ゆったりしたワイド身幅のドロップショルダーで、スカートにもパンツスタイルにも合わせやすいシルエットです。実り豊かな秋の森を思わせる、シックな配色使いで。
· Forest parade ...
Forest parade, forest of parade
One of the typical
embroidery pattern of Mina Perhonen followed by that embroidery motif from 05
spring and summer. Is a wide cut-studded one one of the motif of the forest
parade. Wool rayon jersey with a facial expression of Kanoko knitting wind,
warm material sense of reasonable thickness. In spacious wide width of the
drop-shoulder, easy silhouette that also fit pants style is also to skirt.
Reminiscent of a forest of fruitful autumn, in a chic color scheme Tsukai.
素材:ウール41%、レーヨン41%、ポリエステル18% (刺繍)コットン100%
Material: 41%
wool, 41 percent rayon, 18% polyester (embroidery) Cotton 100%
另外有Purple blue 和 黑色:
タイツ tights 9,720円 (税込)
It refers to the garden in Italian
"giardino". Flowers is the textile depicting a state in which bloom
so regularly and dance in each of expression. Colorful tights such that the
center of coordination. Adjacent flowers are divided drawn one by one wheel, a
small difference in the unfolded petals is reflected in the relaxed like a
natural landscape.
素材 アクリル63%、ナイロン25%、ウール7%、ポリウレタン5%
Acrylic 63%, 25% nylon, wool 7%, 5% polyurethane
豆袋選了pink beige色:
ブローチ brooch 4,000円(消費税込:4,320円)
・wolf&flower…ウルフアンドフラワー おおかみと花
Wolf & flower ... Wolf and Flower Wolf and flowers
Wolf and flowers, scary things and pretty
things seem to relative, actually textile was born from the imagination that
might be the reincarnation of each other. Is a brooch that were cut embroidery
motif of the wolf was added to "wolf & flower" flower from. In
plump batting, larger size with a strong presence. Clothes and hats, to one
point, such as a bag. As of embroidery textile, cute even put face to face the
right and left!
Material: cotton, polyester, polyurethane
豆袋選了light gray色:
是呢, 豆袋真的大心大心wolf&flower print 和mina perhonen ミナペルホネン (真的好長氣 XD)!