
minä perhonen ミナペルホネン SS2017 (Part 1)


 以上大部份是打折貨品, 所以買得很開心!XD

這件很難買, 豆袋好幸運可以擁有:

pathブラウス navy  \34,000tax

A textile "path" which imaged cute flower blooming pathways and paths

這件亦很難買, 豆袋好幸運可以在official webshop restock 時訂到:
hana no miスカート Gray  \64,000+tax
 どんな所でも花を咲かせる生命力を内に秘める花の実を、幾重にも重ねた色糸の刺繍で表現したテキスタイル“hana no mi”
A textile "hana no mi" which expresses the fruits of flowers hidden in vitality that makes flowers bloom in any places, with embroidery of colored threads overlapped multiple times
Linen 100%, embroidery area: cotton 60%, acrylic 24%, wool 16%
 呢個pattern 是豆袋最喜愛的:
 free gift from mp:

senko-hanabiスカート navy  \48,000+tax


A textile "senko - hanabi" expressing the appearance of a spark that dances one by one with embroidery. With a high density linen material shining delicate embroidery, regularly tucked tucks tailored skirts for silhouette spreading softly. Fireworks burning with flickers will disappear with changing shape to a moment. The brief scene in the moment is left in the mind, it is an impressive piece that confined a violent and powerful moment.

Linen 100%, Embroidery part: Acetate 65%, Rayon 23%, Polyester 12%
 D embroidery 其實有閃閃的, 真的似Fireworks :
wind basket ノースリーブブラウス  32,400  (税込)

風が複雑に絡み合いながら木々をすり抜けていく様子を描いたテキスタイル“wind basket”。その軌跡はまるでカゴ編みの模様のようです。動きを感じられるデザインが映える、しなやかなコットン素材でノースリーブのブラウスを仕立てました。入り組んだ曲線からは自然の躍動感を、鮮やかな配色からは自然の持つエネルギーを感じられます。

A textile "wind basket" depicting the way the winds pass through the trees while intertwining complicatedly. The locus looks like a pattern of basket knitting. I made a sleeveless blouse with supple cotton material that shines the design feels movement. From the intricate curve you can feel the natural dynamism, from the vivid color scheme you can feel the energy of nature.

素材 コットン100% 

Stone garden outer  \58,000+tax
 mp brooch:
 亦買了打折的Jane Marple:
 Collar 位 :
 豆袋覺得好襯mp "forest ring" skirt :
 亦買了 new shoes to match with mp and chesty:


