minä perhonen
pirouetteブラウス 32,000円(消費税込:34,560円)
Textile drawn as irregular overlap petals bloom prominently "pirouette". To the flowers drawn while turning the pencil with a single stroke from the center. I overlap the color of the soft tone of colored pencils.
minä perhonen
sand flowerドレス 66,000円(消費税込:71,280円)
昨シーズンのbird gardenと同じ高野山の工場で織られたパイルジャガード。砂場で砂鉄取りを遊んだ幼少の記憶を景色に見立てて、”砂の花”を想像して作られたテキスタイルです。ベース生地はリネンで、花を表現したパイル部分は光沢のあるアクリル糸を使用。砂鉄を磁石で吸い寄せたような表情をだしています。ゆったりした着心地のストレートシルエットのワンピース。肩先は自然にドロップして二の腕を隠します。モチーフの美しさが引き立つシンプルなデザイン。パイルジャガードの持つ品のよい華やかさは、春夏のオケージョンにもおすすめの一着です。裏地付き。
Sand flowers
Pile Jacquard woven at the same
Koyasan factory as last year's bird garden. It is a textile made by imagining a
"sand flower" as a view of the memory of a young child who played
sand iron in a sandbox as a landscape. The base fabric is linen, and the pile
part expressing flowers uses shiny acrylic yarn. I am making a look like a sand
iron attracted by a magnet. One piece of a straight silhouette with relaxed
comfort. Drop the shoulder naturally and hide the arm. Simple design that the
beauty of the motif stands out. Pile Jacquard 's good glamor is a gift
recommended for spring and summer occasions. Lined interior.
minä perhonen
mermaid ドレス 45,360円 (税込)
着てゆく度にからだに馴染み、ホームランドリーをするごとに風合いが育っていくminä perhonen laundryシリーズをご紹介いたします。
We will introduce the minä perhonen laundry series which will become
familiar with the body every time we wear and develop texture every time we do
a home laundry.
Textile "mermaid" announced at the 2000SS season. Textiles
drawn while changing the facial expression of the mermaid pattern look like
ripples when seen from afar. A dress that makes you look forward to the sun's
season is a piece of calm impression. Because it is a material that can be
washed by hand, it seems to be useful as a staple at the destination.
サイズ36 着丈95 バスト107.5 肩線 31.5
素材コットンcotton 100%、刺繍部分: コットン cotton 100%
minä perhonen pair drops ソックス 2,160円 (税込)
立体感のあるドット柄を表面と内側の色を変えて描いたテキスタイル“pair drops”。ドットを上からパラパラと落としたように配したソックス。コットンをベースとした肌触りのよいソックスは短めの丈におつくりした、カジュアルな装いに似合うアイテムです。
A textile "pair drops" drawn with a three-dimensional dot
pattern with a different surface and inner color. Socks arranged as if dropped
from the top with dots. A soft socks based on cotton was made in a short
length, it is an item that fits casual clothes.
素材 コットンcotton 64%、ナイロンnylon32%、ポリウレタンpolyurethane4%
mina perhonen
swan ヘアゴム hair rubber 価格: 3,500円(税別)
A textile "swan" expressing swans embroidered like picking up
branches, outlining sandy beaches and spreading sand there. It is a brooch with
a soft impression like a scene rising from the story. Fabrics with fluffy hair
feet make swan feathers image. A design that was framed with a torsion lace on
a motif with a three-dimensional feel like a cookie. For children and adults,
of course, you can use it.
素材 麻 綿 縦4.5cm 横5.3cm
亦買多了一對saya shoes 襯minä perhonen: