ミナペルホネン mina perhonen 2022 part 6
豆袋又入手了 ミナペルホネン, 大開心:
Tori Bag
2000年に発表された“tori bag”は、ミナ ペルホネンで作り続けられているスタンダードアイテムです。鳥をかたどったフォルムのバッグに施されたステッチや目に見立てたボタン、バッグの中にはタマゴが3つ。装いのアクセントにはもちろん、ユニークなアイデアに溢れたディテールは、眺めているだけで楽しい気持ちになります。
The “tori bag”, which was announced in 2000, is a standard item that continues to be made at minä perhonen. The stitching and eye-like buttons on the bird-shaped bag have three eggs inside. Not only can it be used as an accent for your outfit, but the details full of unique ideas will make you feel happy just by looking at them.
The base part is made of "Pueblo leather" and has a rough texture with an unevenly whitish matte look. As you use it, the color will deepen and become familiar, so you can use it for a long time with attachment.
A design created with the image of colors overflowing from the silence of a deep forest. The matte leather is painted with lustrous embroidery thread, and vivid flowers are drawn as if they emerge from the darkness. I wish you to be a bright existence that encourages your heart so that you can have hope in your heart in any situation.
サイズF 縦23 横42 マチ15 持ち手20.5
coline bag 2022-23 a/w
ミニマムなデザインの“coline bag”。マットな質感の革で作られたバッグは曲線のフォルムが美しく、柔和な雰囲気です。内側には小さなポケットが一つあり、ショルダー紐は2段階で微調節が出来ます。バッグ自体がとても軽量であること、装いのアクセントになるような軽やかな色合いが魅力です。
サイズF 高さ22.5 横19 マチ巾7 持ち手103
素材 牛革
farfalla rattle 2022-23 a/w
“forest diamond”は、夢の中に出てくる不思議な物語に映るシーンを、それぞれ結晶のように表現したデザイン。時間や空間の概念が無い夢の中では、記憶と想像が混ざり合い、自由な空気に満ちた私たちのもうひとつの世界が広がります。
“Forest diamond” is a design that expresses each scene in a mysterious story that appears in a dream like a crystal. In dreams, where there is no concept of time or space, memory and imagination are mixed, and another world of ours, filled with free air, unfolds.
I made a rattle by taking out a mysterious animal like a butterfly from the textile. There is a bell inside that makes a cute sound when shaken.
サイズF 縦27 横15
素材 コットン100%、中綿:ポリエステル100%
coniglio rattle 2022-23 a/w
“forest diamond”は、夢の中に出てくる不思議な物語に映るシーンを、それぞれ結晶のように表現したデザイン。時間や空間の概念が無い夢の中では、記憶と想像が混ざり合い、自由な空気に満ちた私たちのもうひとつの世界が広がります。
“Forest diamond” is a design that expresses each scene in a mysterious story that appears in a dream like a crystal. In dreams, where there is no concept of time or space, memory and imagination are mixed, and another world of ours, filled with free air, unfolds.
From the textile, I took out a rabbit drawn with a generous touch and made a rattle. You can play with it by attaching it to your wrist, and there is a bell inside that makes a cute sound when you shake it.
サイズF 縦13 横9.5 持ち手9
素材 コットン100%、中綿:ポリエステル100%
ph 7 Shoes
ミナペルホネン mina perhonen 2022 part 5
豆袋又入手了 ミナペルホネン, 大開心:
forest village カットソー
ある森の中に小さな村があり、そこにある湖に渡り鳥がやって来るという空想の風景を描いた“forest village”。森から光が溢れて来るように、村の家々は蝋燭の灯りや陽の光のような鮮やかな色を纏い、点在しています。ゴム判に筆で色付けをする手法で描かれた風景と、フリーハンドで描かれた鳥と湖を組み合わせた図案。明るい家々を目印に渡り鳥たちが冬を過ごしに集う穏やかなテキスタイルです。
“Forest Village” depicts an imaginary landscape in which there is a small village in a certain forest, and migratory birds come to the lake there. The houses in the village are dotted with bright colors like candlelight and sunshine, just like the light coming from the forest. A design that combines a landscape drawn with a brush on a rubber stamp and a bird and a lake drawn freehand. It is a gentle textile where migratory birds gather to spend the winter with the bright houses as a landmark.
forest diamond
2022-23 a/w
2,860円 (税込)
夢の中に出てくる不思議な物語に映るシーンを、それぞれ結晶のように表現した“forest diamond”。自由な空気に満ちた世界を描いた図案をベースにポップな雰囲気のソックスを作りました。光沢のあるコットン糸で編み上げ、左右で異なる柄のレイアウトに仕上げています。
“Forest diamond” expresses the scenes reflected in the mysterious stories that appear in dreams like crystals. I made socks with a pop atmosphere based on a design depicting a world filled with free air. Knitted with glossy cotton thread, it is finished with a different pattern layout on the left and right.
69% cotton, 28% nylon, 3% polyurethane
pyonブローチ2022-23 a/w 3,080円 (税込)
“pyon” with animal motifs. I made a small brooch with a flat animal illustration that looks like it was drawn by combining shapes. The humorous expression and pop colors will add color to your outfit.
サイズ (cm)サイズについて
サイズF 縦6 横3
素材 真鍮 Brass
ミナペルホネン mina perhonen 2022 part 4
豆袋又入手了 ミナペルホネン, 大開心:
ジャージ ブルゾン Jersey blouson × keisuke kanda
52,800円 (税込)
minä BALLOONでの特別な試みのひとつとして、keisuke kandaとの初めてのコラボレーションアイテムをご紹介いたします。
keisuke kandaではお馴染みのジャージはサイドに”tambourine”の刺繍をのせたデザイン。胸元にはkeisuke kandaとminä perhonenのダブルネームが刺繍された特別な仕様で作られました。
As one of the special attempts at minä BALLOON, we would like to introduce the first collaboration item with keisuke kanda.
The jersey that is familiar to keisuke kanda is designed with "tambourine" embroidery on the side. The chest is made with special specifications embroidered with the double names of keisuke kanda and minä perhonen.
サイズM 着丈60.5 バスト106 肩巾46 裄丈85 衿巾6.5
カラー Red
表地:ポリエステル100%、刺繍糸:上糸 コットン100%、下糸 ポリエステル100%、別地:red コットン100%、navy リネン100%
Outer fabric: 100% polyester, embroidery thread: needle thread 100% cotton, bobbin thread 100% polyester, other material: red 100% cotton, navy 100% linen
forest villageソックス 2022-23 a/w 2,860円 (税込)
ある森の中に小さな村があり、そこにある湖に渡り鳥がやって来るという空想の風景を描いた“forest village”。図案に広がる大らかな雰囲気をそのままに、ソックスを作りました。スタンプして描かれた部分のかすれ具合など細かな部分まで丁寧に表現されています。
素材 コットン70%、ナイロン30%
forest village socks 2022-23 a/w 2,860 yen (tax included)
“Forest Village” depicts an imaginary landscape in which there is a small village in a certain forest, and migratory birds come to the lake there. I made socks while maintaining the generous atmosphere that spreads through the design. Even small details such as the faintness of the stamped parts are carefully expressed.
Material 70% cotton, 30% nylon
choucho ソックス2022 s/s
Socks with a smooth texture using rayon silk thread. A neutral design like plain socks has choucho in different positions on each leg. The finely woven socks have an elegant atmosphere and can be matched with a variety of outfits.
素材 レーヨン76%、ナイロン20%、シルク4%
Material 76% rayon, 20% nylon, 4% silk
生産国 日本
PINK HOUSE ピンクハウス 2022 part 2
PINK HOUSE ピンクハウス減價了! 豆袋今次很乖的只入手了以下:
Jubilee Rabbit Embroidery Hood Jacket
A solid men's-like hood that reproduces the Chino bread fabric that was supplied to the French army in the 1960s in every detail. The cute rabbit with the Jubilee Rabbit embroidery and the accessory of the King of Ruby in the heart is cute.
着丈54 身幅54 肩幅41 袖丈56 袖幅23.5 袖口幅14
Basket rabbit embroidery layered skirt
A layered skirt with an apron-style skirt made of light ounce virgin denim and a gingham check skirt. The layered skirt with a very cute back skirt tied with a ribbon string is a cute and profitable item that can be used individually. One-point embroidery of a basket rabbit is applied to the left side of the skirt of the barjira denim, which has less fluff and a slightly glossy feel. The rattan of the rabbit silhouette basket is full of impact with countless strawberries growing on it. Around the hem of the inner gingham check skirt, a gingham check cutwork lace with the image of a strawberry flower is used with frills. It's so cute that you can see the frills of the cutwork lace from the hem even when you stack them.
Jubilee Celebration Print Skirt
イギリス エリザベス女王の即位50周年を記念して命名された”ジュビリーセレブレーション”という美しい品種の薔薇。愛らしい深みのあるピンク色の薔薇は、ドーム型にうなだれるように咲くためその重みに耐えられるような太い茎をしており、その姿は女王の風格ある佇まいをしています。そして花びらの裏側はほんのりとゴールドに色づきます。そんな”ジュビリーセレブレーション”をモチーフに描いた華やかなテキスタイル。コットンローンにハンドプリントを施した優美なプリントに仕上がりました。ふんわりシルエットが素敵なミディ丈のディアードスカート。裾にはフリルを添えて可憐に仕上げました。
A beautiful variety of rose called "Jubilee Celebration" named to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth of England. The adorable deep pink rose blooms like a dome, so it has thick stems that can withstand its weight, and its appearance is like a queen. And the back side of the petals is slightly colored in gold. A gorgeous textile with such a "Jubilee Celebration" as a motif. The result is a graceful print made by hand-printing a cotton loan. Midi length deered skirt with a nice fluffy silhouette. The hem is nicely finished with frills.
ウエスト(総ゴム)64 ヒップ110 総丈69
Flower curl embroidery bag
A tote bag with a bright red penny-farthing embroidery on a cotton canvas with an impressive large front wheel from the "Flower Carl-kun print" with the motif of Carl-kun running through with a bright red kickboard. You can enjoy the wick-rich motif that is typical of Karl Helm, with the large front wheels formed by teddy bears. The small mini bag is a perfect item for going out there. A centimeter that opens with a face bear name and logo name on the back side. Comes with an inner pocket.
サイズFree 高さ20 幅24.5 持ち手28 マチ12 重量(g)215
ミナペルホネン mina perhonen 2022 part 3
豆袋又入手了 ミナペルホネン, 大開心:
tori pochette
minä perhonenが作り続けている“tori bag”をそのまま小さくしたような、お茶目なポシェット。装いのアクセントにはもちろん、ユニークなアイデアに溢れたディテールは、眺めているだけで楽しい気持ちになります。スモーキーな秋冬の色合いに似合う3色よりお選びいただけます。
A playful pochette that looks like a miniature "tori bag" that minä perhonen continues to make. Not to mention the accent of the outfit, the details full of unique ideas make you feel happy just by looking at them. You can choose from three colors that match the smoky autumn / winter shades.
calmati カットソー 2022 s/s
calmati cut and sew
Material "calmati" knitted with cupra thread. Beautiful luster and drape are attractive. A pullover with plenty of gathers on the neckline and cuffs. We have prepared clear colors that match the bright sunlight.
素材 キュプラ cupra100%
同一向的設計一樣, 有比較特別的cutting :
flower bed + wolf & flower スカート
2022年4月23日~6月19日までの期間、福岡市美術館で展覧会「ミナ ペルホネン/皆川 明 つづく」が開催されます。ブランドの軌跡をご覧頂けるこの機会に、これまでに発表してまいりましたテキスタイルの中から新たなアイテムをお作りいたしました。
サインペンで描かれた原画のインクの濃淡や滲みまで微細に表現された“flower bed“(2006-07→a/w)の生地に、“wolf & flower" (2016-17→a/w)の刺繍をのせて特別なテキスタイルを作りました。図案の魅力が映えるシンプルなスカート。装いの主役になるような華やかな一着です。
サイズ (cm)
サイズ36 着丈69 ウエスト(ゴム上り)66 裾回り112
リネン66%、コットン34%、刺繡部分:上糸 アクリル42%、ウール28%、コットン30%、下糸 ポリエステル100%
カラー beige/dark green
From April 23rd to June 19th, 2022, the exhibition "Mina Perhonen / Akira Minagawa" will be held at the Fukuoka Art Museum. Taking this opportunity to see the trajectory of the brand, we have created a new item from the textiles we have announced so far.
"Wolf & flower" (2016-17 → a / w) on the fabric of "flower bed" (2006-07 → a / w), which is finely expressed by the shade and bleeding of the ink of the original picture drawn with felt-tip pen. I made a special textile with embroidery. A simple skirt that shows off the charm of the design. It is a gorgeous outfit that will be the protagonist of your outfit.
Size (cm)
Size 36 Length 69 Waist (rubber up) 66 Hem circumference 112
Linen 66%, cotton 34%, embroidery part: needle thread acrylic 42%, wool 28%, cotton 30%, bobbin thread 100% polyester
還買了mina socks:
forest paradeソックス 2022 s/s
“forest parade”のモチーフが揺れるソックス。“forest parade”のモチーフにボタンループを付けて、ソックスについているボタンに留めてお使いいただくデザインです。
forest parade socks 2022 s / s
Socks with a swaying "forest parade" motif. It is a design that attaches a button loop to the motif of "forest parade" and keeps it on the button attached to the socks.
A pair of motifs are attached to the socks 2-color set. Please enjoy changing the motif according to your mood.
70% cotton, 30% nylon
color light pink
sugar ソックス 2020 s/s
ミナ ペルホネンのスタンダードアイテム“sugar”のソックス。 レースのような編地と砂糖菓子を思わせるやわらかな色のコントラストが足元に彩りを添えます。 春夏シーズンの爽やかな洋服と相性が良い4色展開。スタイルに合わせてお選びいただけます。
sugar socks 2020 s / s
Mina Perhonen's standard item "sugar" socks. The contrast between the lace-like knitted fabric and the soft colors reminiscent of sugar confectionery adds color to your feet. Available in 4 colors that go well with the refreshing clothes of the spring / summer season. You can choose according to your style.
80% cotton, 19% nylon, 1% polyurethane
color camel
tapaソックス 2020 s/s
tapa socks 2020 s / s
Soft socks woven from high-quality sea island cotton. The front where the instep is located is made of elegantly textured Tianzhu material, and the back is finished with rib knitting. Although it is an item that can be matched regardless of style, the detailed design shines.
80% cotton, 15% nylon, 5% polyurethane
color white
karamelli ソックス 2020 s/s
karamelli socks 2020 s / s
The Finnish word “karamelli” for candy and sugar confectionery. Fine gingham check socks. A thread that accentuates the soles of the feet is placed on the back for a fun atmosphere. It is a light item that will be a point of clothing.
78% cotton, 17% nylon, 5% polyurethane
color green
今個月大開心大快樂! ^^
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